activity theory of learning 学习活动论
association theory of learning 联想学习论
cognitive field theory of learning 学习的认知场地论
cognitive theory of learning 学习的认知理论
cognitivefield theory of learning 学习的认知场地论
connection cognitive theory of learning 学习的联结-认知说
connection theory of learning 学习的联结说
connectional-cognitive theory of learning 学习的联结-认知论
connectioncognitive theory of learning 学习的联结踩现说
connectioncognitive theory of learning 学习的联结认知说
context theory of meaning 意义的前后关系理论
contiguity theory of learning 时近学习论
continuity theory of learning 连续性学习论
discontinuity theory of learning 非连续学习论
embodied theory of meaning 涉身意义理论
factor theory of learning 学习因素说
field theory of learning 学习的场论
Gestalt theory of learning 学习的完形说
goal cognition theory of learning 学习的目的认知说